A parent’s job is never done, even when the sun is setting and the day is coming to an end. For Cindy Pulido, Co-Founder of Izzy & Ferd, this means getting her little ones, Joseph and Julia, ready for bed. Here she shares her nightly ritual of getting her children to sleep after a long day.
When do you begin your bedtime routine with the kids?
We normally start our bedtime routine at 8:00 p.m. after we’ve had some time to have dinner and decompress from the day. Joseph is learning to read, so he normally spends 30 minutes with one of us going through an “I Am Sam” book.
How does it often start?
Our bedtime routine often starts with changing diapers and brushing teeth. We’re pretty diligent about the kids brushing and flossing their teeth every night. I think this is a carryover from my own childhood and being deathly afraid of going to the dentist.
Do the kids love their baths? What are their favorite products to use? And what are their favorite bathtub toys?
The kids do love their baths! Because our kids have sensitive skin, we normally use a CeraVe Cleanser. After their baths, we moisturize their skin with coconut oil. As for bath toys, we have a few stacking cups next to the tub and small water guns (which they mischievously fill with cold water before engaging in a full blown water fight).
Do you read to the kids before bed? What are some of their favorite books?
Yes! Reading is a huge part of our bedtime routine. It helps us all unwind and feel more relaxed. Joseph is really into sharks and dinosaurs, so National Geographic books have been cycling through our nighttime reading routine. Julia loves Du Iz Tak? and Dear Zoo. In general, we all love Jon Klassen books! Especially This Is Not My Hat!
Do they have a security blanket? If so, what is it?
No, our kids have never shown an interest in security blankets or stuffed animals. More often than not, mom and dad fill that function. Julia’s favorite thing to say before bed is, “Mama! Papa! Nap! Snuggle!” It really is quite sweet and we’re always happy to comply.
What are some secrets to getting your little ones to sleep?
A good daily schedule! And lots and LOTs of physical activity during the daytime!
The best pajamas for the kids are...
This is where we sheepishly admit that we rarely put our kids in pajamas. The mornings are always so hectic! We’re lucky to make it to preschool 5 minutes late! As a result, we’ve resorted to dressing the kids in their “next day” clothes before going to bed. More often than not, that means putting them in Izzy & Ferd clothes. Admittedly, we design play clothes. But really, they are comfortable enough to sleep in!
When your kids can’t sleep, what do you do?
Pawn the responsibility of getting the kids to sleep on your spouse? Just kidding. Not really. When the kids can’t sleep, we ask that they lay in the bed quietly. Inevitably, sleep sets in.
What do you do to decompress after your children sleep?
We make tea and take some time to connect as two adults.